
Specialized Victim Assistance Program

Provides emotional support, justice-related-information referrals & practical assistance to victims

Specialized Victim Assistance Program
(Community Based Victim Assistance)

The Specialized Victim Assistance program provides victims of crime and trauma, as well as their families, with emotional support, justice-related-information referrals, and practical assistance.

We Help Victims of:

  • Relationship violence, including; child and youth physical abuse
  • Partner assault
  • Family violence and elder abuse
  • Sexual assault, including child and youth sexual assault, adult sexual assault, and adult survivors of sexual assault
  • Criminal harassment

How We Help

The program gathers relevant information from Crown Counsel and the police to facilitate a coordinated approach, as well as to provide clear and accurate information to clients.

Clients are taught about the court process in order to reduce anxiety they may feel about the justice system. They are given information about the legal process, on a one-to-one basis, through the use of relevant written material, visits to Crown Counsel, and court tours prior to their court appearance. Staff may accompany victims to preliminary hearings and trials, and may provide transportation to hospital, court, and Crown Counsel and police appointments.

We provide assistance with various forms such as Crime Victim Assistance applications and the Victim Impact Statements. We also refer clients  to relevant support groups, private counselling, the Victim Safety Unit, and various community agencies.

Services are provided in Abbotsford and Mission in English, as well as Hindi and Punjabi, through our Multi-Cultural Specialized Victim Assistance Program.

Additional Services

We respond to all community inquires for public awareness and education on victimization and victim services.

In addition, we may assist in the first stage of the application process for the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance.

Third-Party Reporting

Third-Party Reporting is an option in which a victim (19 or older) may anonymously report to the police through a community program like ours.

TPR connects survivors to specialized supports and gives survivors time to decide if and when they are ready to engage in the Criminal Justice System.

Learn more about Third Party Reporting

Eligibility Criteria

  • Live in Abbotsford or Mission
  • Be the victim or family member of a crime or trauma

To Access Specialized Victims Assistance

  • You may be referred to us or you may refer yourself
  • Please call or come to our reception desk to book an appointment

Did You Know?

Archway has been providing assistance for victims since the 1980’s.

Abbotsford Location


Hours of operation

8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday – Friday


Archway Community Services
2420 Montrose Avenue
Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S9

Mission Location


Hours of operation

8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday – Friday


Archway Community Services
#105-33070 5th Avenue
Mission, BC V2V 1V5

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